Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We're still in that huge scholastics push! All of the students work must be completed by the end of Christmas break to be turned in. The submission count is higher than Mooney has ever seen. Last week we were at over 100 entries when our normal final count is around 75. Hopefully we will see more of our student's work in the show this year and maybe even in the national awards show in New York City.
AP Art - Jordan K

Art 3 - Janie G

Art 2 - Chris X

Monday, December 7, 2015

This week our Art 3 students are finishing up their identity projects. These projects are all so diverse and interesting. Some are drawings of their faces or some are almost like social experiments. Above all they dive into the idea of identity. We are in a huge push for our first Art competition of the year, Scholastics Art and Writing. Our AP students are working hard to complete eight pieces for portfolios  as well as our Art 2 students are in finishing their charcoal drawings. We are determined to make this a great year for Scholastics!
Art 3 - Anna V.

Art 3 - Hayley T

AP - Faith G